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Castle Cornet surrenders to Guernsey 17th December
Sark holds its first election 10th December
Sark women get the right to inherit 24th November
Guernsey recruits caused concern in Parliament 21st November
Guernsey aimed for equal adoption rights 13th November
States of Guernsey hired its first independent vet 7th November
The States agrees to pay the Bailiff
States of Guernsey voted to lower the voting age 31st October
Bailiff Sir Peter de Havilland was born 27th October
Major General Sir Isaac Brock died 13th October
Sark voted for democracy 4th October
A Guernsey planning dispute headed to Europe 28th September
Occupation president Ambrose Sherwill died 25th September
Guernsey and Jersey considered merging 20th September
Philip de Saumarez was discharged as a Jurat 30th August
Winston Churchill visited Guernsey with his wife 29th August
Guernsey’s Reform Law was enacted 28th August
Human remains were found on Lihou 7th August
Earl Grey was appointed Governor of Guernsey 3rd August
Guernsey chose England over France 24th June
Wartime diplomat Wilfred Gallienne born in Guernsey 20th May
Herm goes back on the market 17th May
Alderney debated in the House of Commons 6th May
Role of Chief Minister of Guernsey abolished 4th May
A French fisherman is arrested and escorted to St Peter Port 2nd April
Guernsey nurse Elizabeth Lincoln elected to the States 23rd March
Guernsey’s first governor, Edmund Weston, is appointed 8th March
Guernsey heads call for an end to the Eleven-plus 7th March
Guernsey Language Commission formed 7th February
Guernsey’s Royal Court sits for the first time 17th January
Alderney elects its first president 1st January